Meet Management Services

Eagle Eye back-up video system

Hy-Tek Software scoring / meet results 

Online entry via MileSplit

On site meet results & post-meet results  will be on our website 

Isenhour Track & Field will only be responsible for timing and meet results for the meet. 

Isenhour Track & Field will supply our own tents, tables, chairs, etc.


1.Athletes are timed with a Nielsen-Kellerman XC watches. The runners must stay in order and have their finish order recorded as they exit the finish chute. When the final runner finishes- the times are downloaded from the watches into the Hy-Tek laptop and results are printed. This is recommended for small invitationals and/or conference meets. 


We do not post nor print meet results at the conclusion of the event. Results will be found on under the meet name by Noon the day after the meet. 


Entries will need to be completed through MileSplit. Once your entry deadline has passed will not accept additions but we will accept substitutions. If you conduct a scratch meeting we will accept scratches. 

Meet Director Responsibilities 

The meet director will be responsible for providing race bibs and pins(We can provide for an additional fee) In addition to providing all the meet personnel to handle check-in, volunteers to assist athletes in the chute/corral.