Meet Management Services
Eagle Eye Digital Video
Hy-Tek Software scoring / meet results
Isenhour Track & Field will only be responsible for timing and meet results for the meet.
Isenhour Track & Field will supply our own tents, tables, chairs, etc.
We do not post nor print meet results at the conclusion of the event. Results will be found on under the meet name by Noon the day after the meet.
Entries will need to be completed through MileSplit. Once your entry deadline has been passed and the events have been seeded, we will not accept additions or substitutions. If you conduct a scratch meeting we will accept scratches and will reseed events if it is a championship meet.
Meet Director Responsibilities
Are responsible for filling the necessary roles in order to host a meet. Announcer, Referee, Starter, Line Clerk, Clerk of Course, etc. Wind Gauges/Operators for (NCAA & USATF Sanctioned Meets
Isenhour Track & Field requires 2 numbers on any athlete in a race not run in lanes. One number will go on the left chest and the other will go on the left hip if timing is done. Jerseys should be tucked in and hip numbers worn on the hip so the camera can read them. If you need Hip Numbers they can be provided for an additional fee if you contact us ahead of time.